“I En Andens Fodspor”

Et samarbejde med Kunsthallen Nikolaj v. Hilde Østergaard. Copenhagen 2009

Et socialt kunstprojekt involverende 3 skoleklasser på Nørrebro: 1 a & c på Metropolitanskolen,8 b fra Heimdalsgade Overbygningsskole, 1t Grundforløb på Teknisk Skole, Tuborgvej.

Elever på 3 skoler på Nørrebro fik udleveret et blankt bykort hvorpå de med blå kuglepen skulle tegne et kort over deres skolevej fra det øjeblik de krydsede grænsen til Nørrebro. Vigtige detaljer skulle noteres ned: yndlingssteder, smutveje eller steder man ikke bryder sig om... Kortene blev indsamlet og blandet. Ugen efter fik deltagerne nu udleveret et kort fra en anden elev. De skulle derefter følge kortet i byrummet og skrive egne noter og observationer oven i de eksisterende. Denne gang med en rød kuglepen. Slutteligt blev alle kortene udstillet i montrer i Kunsthallens Nikolajs formidlingsgang. Ved ferniseringen 1 oktober fik eleverne mulighed for at møde hinanden og her få indblik i hvilken person de på detektivisk vis havde fulgt efter. Her var udfordringen at starte en samtale med den fremmede og dermed af- eller bekræfte det indre billede der er var blevet skabt af vedkommende.

“In someone else’s footsteps”

A cooperation with Kunsthallen Nikolaj, Hilde Østergaard, Copenhagen 2009

A social art project involving three classes: 1a, 1c, from The Metropolitan School, class 8b from Heimdalsgade School, and 1t from the foundation year at The Technical School on Tuborgvej.

Students from 3 different schools in the area of Nørrebro were given a blank town map and a ballpoint pen with blue ink. They were then asked to draw a map of the route they take to school. The starting point is from where they enter the Nørrebro area. They were asked to write down important details along the way, such as favourite places, short cuts, and places they dislike. All of the maps were collected and shuffled. The following week each participant was given a new map that another student had drawn which was then followed through the city area.  The students wrote their own notes and observations over the existing notes with a ballpoint pen with red ink. The conclusion of the project was the exhibiting of the maps in Kunsthallen Nikolaj in glass cases.  At the opening of the exhibition the students had the opportunity to meet one another, to use their detective skills to try to figure out which student’s map they had been following.  The challenges lied in starting a conversation with the unknown person and subsequently compare the picture of the person that they had formed in their imagination.
